Thursday, September 25, 2008

fame is a footnote

I suspect this is probably as good as it ever will get.

So now would be the time to salute my awesomeness and/or offer me your humble services. Don't let this opportunity pass you by.

p.s. You're welcome to Google for the paper in its entirety, I didn't feel like linking the pdf lest a certain author and potential reference of mine be keeping tabs on who links to his papers. Not that I have anything bad to say about him (nice man, really), it's just weird if he's reading my views on abortion and bruised bananas, you know?


Chris said...

Hey Mai!!

Congratulations on the first page mention!!!! That is really neat!

It is a very interesting study and I think someone should publish without all the acronyms and calculus for MacLean's magazine, because this subject was on the front cover of a magazine that I saw while in line at Chapters.

Oh the irony that, but, two seconds later I would be at the cash register paying CDN $45 for a book that was listed as USD $32.95!!!!

Mohsin said...

wow mai, I hope you don't treat your kids like you treat your blog.
actually I am one to talk, I neglected mine for a year and even now I wont let it go out an play with its friends.

m said...

Thanks Chris! Somebody call Alanis!

Mohsin, I hope you never babysit my hypothetical kid.